Part 24: Chapter XXIV: A Meeting With A God

Well, we're at the top of the tower. Unsurprisingly, it's some sort of windmill-based gondola chucker.

Well let's just walk on over and

Awww snap. Wait, he had to get up here with those goofy air currents too. That's a pretty funny mental image.

Ahh, competency undercut by massive paranoia. Two great tastes that go great together. You know what else goes well with that?

Expendable minions! This is TECHNICALLY a boss fight since the boss music is playing, but it barely counts. These three are barely tougher than normal monsters. Grunt B uses fire magic, while Grunt C uses debuffs. Some combos knock the three morons to kingdom come.

Evil Overlord List Item #Whatever: When you have reserves, use them. This is also how Yohm rolls, only instead of mole people he has demonic golems.

And so the heroes were unceremoniously thrown from about a billion stories up and went splat on the jaggedy rocks below.
Rather, they would be, but...

Scias leaps down and throws the bag of money back to Ilgor.

Pictured: the greatest shit-eating grin in the history of grins or shit-eating. The manga makes it a little more explicit that Scias decided to stick with the group because he was touched by Nina's altruism.

Spoiler: ours.
This is the exact same battle, by the way, only with Scias off to one side. Every other round he uses Shining Blade, but it only hits once due to the game not being able to have a two-hit monster.

Oh yeah, group combos hit him too. Don't worry, he's got over a million HP in this fight so he's effectively immortal.

To top it off, he heals your party with MultiVitamins too. This, if counted as a boss fight, is hands down the easiest one in the game.
When we kill this squad of mole men, Ilgor decides that sticking around just ain't worth it and runs for his life. This is actually the last time in the entire game we see or hear from him. It's sort of a dropped thread. However, the mole people as a whole become a race of monsters now that have several different iterations (like the Goos), so you could extrapolate that he keeps sending assassins after you.
Really, really terrible ones.

So yeah, we get Scias back in the party.

Nina pulls a lever and the weight on the other end is released, sending the arm hurtling up.

When it reaches the peak of its swing, the gondola is released and it soars into the air.

It's much funnier to imagine the entire party stuffed in that thing. The manga makes the gondola bigger so it's not as snug a fit, but it's still pretty cramped in there.

Weird orange sky fish eel things leap and cavort in the clouds.

Oh yeah, P'ung Ryong too. A weird airy sort of music starts playing that doesn't appear to be on the OST, but it's what plays pretty much whenever a dragon's around from this point on.

P'ung Ryong is huge.

As he speaks, there's a deep rumble and the gondola shakes uncontrollably.

No shit, Sherlock. I never get over how knuckleheaded Nina can be.


The little avatar of P'ung Ryong poofs out of existence.

Err, okay.


So the gondola is smashed out of the air and sent careening down to the mountains below.

The avatar dips behind the hill...

...and P'ung Ryong soars off into the blizzard. Way to strand us, asshole.

So we only have one place to go, the Ice Peak. Guess we're hoofing it.

In here, we've got a few new enemies. These pterodactyl looking things attack the weakest party member and also use some ice magic.

Blue Caps are upgraded Caps, but they're cowards and can still be tricked into beating the stuffing out of each other with Command.

Going on through the icy paths and some caves...

Ooh hey, a snowball.

We can shove these around to plug up gaps and stuff.

Like so.


This is actually lamellar armor, apparently. The translators changed it for God knows what reason. I think it might increase your fire resistance sneakily, but I'm unsure.

This must be the village then.

Alright, let's find us some secretive god summoners and get us some...uhh....